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PARADE Magazine: The Taylor Swift 'Treadmill Strut' Went Viral on TikTok

Updated: Jun 4, 2022

The Taylor Swift 'Treadmill Strut' Went Viral on TikTok—Here's What Makes It Such

an Effective Fat Burner, According to Trainers

Looking for a way to make treadmill workouts more fun? The solution may be as simple as some Taylor Swift tunes.

The Taylor Swift Treadmill Strut (TSTS) is a fun, high-energy treadmill workout routine created by Allie Bennett, who develops treadmill-based workout routines (which she calls “treadmill struts”) incorporated around strategically arranged playlists by popular music artists.

Bennett has amassed an impressive fan base on TikTok, with more than 300,000 followers, and her “treadmill strut” videos have seen the kind of traffic that would make many aspiring social media influencers envious, routinely getting more than 500,000 views. Several have topped more than one million views—but the Taylor Swift workout has been her most popular by a wide margin—going viral and earning more than 3.4 million views so far.

What makes the Taylor Swift Treadmill Strut a Great Workout

Bennett’s treadmill workout videos have also earned rave reviews from health and fitness professionals, many of whom appreciate that the emphasis is on having fun and boosting your mental health, as opposed to dropping pounds or counting calories. “I love that it’s an opportunity to decompress by listening to great music while moving your body,” says Sonya Daniels Walker, PhD, and program executive for Healthy Living, YMCA of Greater Seattle. “Most importantly, it gives you the opportunity to move your body without worrying about calories or competition. As with any workout, make sure that you have clearance from your physician—then grab your shoes and playlist, and have a great time!”

Some people may mistakenly assume that a treadmill-based routine can’t be effective, but trainers say it can be a surprisingly intense workout. Plus, you can see benefits for your mind as well as your body. “Strutting on the treadmill to Taylor Swift’s The Man is a perfect example of how walking can be so much more than just a cardio workout, it can be a mental stress release and a fun way to express your colorful personality,” says Teddy Savage, Head of Health & Fitness Excellence at Planet Fitness. “The release of endorphins, serotonin, and increase in heart rate will serve to improve your heart health, lubricate your joints, burn calories, and make you the star of your own show!”

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